Aadvik, a startup founded by Hitesh Rathi from Bikaner, Punjab, and Shrey Kumar from Delhi, caught the attention of the investors in Shark Tanks India with their unique business idea of selling products made from camel and goat milk. The company offers a range of products such as milk, milk powder, chocolate, ghee, soaps, etc., all made from camel and goat milk.
During their pitch, the Aadvik team highlighted the benefits of camel milk, such as it being 10 times richer in iron and four times richer in vitamin C compared to cow milk. Camel milk has also been found to be effective in treating autism, diabetes, and lactose intolerance, making it a healthier alternative to cow milk. On the other hand, goat milk is known for its digestive benefits and its potential in dengue prevention.
The aim of Aadvik, a startup founded by Hitesh Rathi and Shrey Kumar, is to provide healthy food products made from camel and goat milk to health-conscious consumers. The founders believe that camel and goat milk are nutritious alternatives to cow milk and have numerous health benefits that make them ideal for people looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The company's goal is to cater to the increasing demand for healthy food products while also supporting local goat and camel farmers by providing them with a steady source of income. By sourcing their milk from local farmers, Aadvik aims to promote sustainable agriculture and support local communities.
Furthermore, Aadvik wants to make its brand a global one, expanding its reach beyond India and into other countries. The company's vision is to offer high-quality, healthy food products to consumers worldwide and establish itself as a trusted brand in the health food market.
Aadvik's aim is to provide healthy food products made from camel and goat milk while also supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture. Their ultimate goal is to become a global brand and offer nutritious, high-quality food products to consumers worldwide.
Aadvik's target market is health-conscious consumers who are looking for nutritious food products made from natural ingredients. The company caters to people who are seeking healthier alternatives to traditional dairy products such as cow milk.
Aadvik's products are particularly appealing to consumers who have lactose intolerance or other digestive issues, as goat milk and camel milk are easier to digest. Additionally, the company's products have a range of health benefits, making them ideal for people who are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The company's focus on providing sustainable, locally sourced products also appeals to consumers who are environmentally conscious and interested in supporting local communities. Aadvik's commitment to supporting local goat and camel farmers by providing them with a steady source of income is also a draw for consumers who are interested in ethical and socially responsible business practices.
Aadvik's target market includes health-conscious consumers who are looking for nutritious and sustainable food products, as well as those who are interested in supporting local communities and ethical business practices. The company's products appeal to a wide range of consumers, including those with lactose intolerance, digestive issues, and a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Aadvik's product line includes milk, milk powder, chocolate, ghee, soaps, and other related products. Over the last six years, the company has sold 8 lakh litres of milk and processed 3 lakh orders. Their highest-selling product is Milk Powder, and the average cost of chocolate is 100 rupees. Camel milk is sold at 500-550 rupees per litre.
The company has witnessed a steady growth in sales and revenue over the years. In the Financial year 16-17, their sales were 67 lakhs rupees, which increased to 4.4 cr. rupees in 17-18. In 18-19, they recorded sales of 4.2 cr. rupees. In 19-20, their sales increased to 6 cr. rupees, and in 20-21, the sales were 9 cr. rupees. In the last financial year 21-22, their sales were 7.2 cr. rupees. Aadvik's monthly sales are 50 lakhs rupees per month, and the company is entirely bootstrapped.
The founders believe that the growing health-consciousness and demand for healthy food are driving the growth of their business. They have also managed to provide a significant source of income for goat and camel owners while promoting the consumption of healthier alternatives to cow milk.
Aadvik's repeat rate is 30%, indicating that their customers are satisfied with the product and are willing to buy again. The company has primarily focused on the D2C (Direct-to-consumer) market, which constitutes more than 75% of their sales, with the remaining 25% coming from B2C (Business-to-consumer) channels.
Aadvik's unique product line, steady growth in sales, and emphasis on healthy alternatives have positioned the company as a promising player in the market. Their bootstrapped business model and focus on direct-to-consumer sales have helped them maintain a healthy growth rate while staying true to their vision of promoting healthier alternatives to cow milk.
Aadvik recently appeared on Shark Tank India seeking funding for their business. The owner of Aadvik requested 60 lakhs rupees in exchange for 1.5% equity in the company at a valuation of 40 crore. Several offers and counter offers were made by the investors, including Amit, who offered 15 lakhs for 1.5% equity and 45 lakhs debt at 12% interest.
However, the pitcher from Aadvik counter offered by asking for 30 lakhs for 1.5% equity and 30 lakhs debt at a 12% interest rate. After considering both offers, Aadvik's owner decided to accept Amit's offer, and the deal was finalized.
With the investment of 15 lakhs and 45 lakhs debt at a 12% interest rate, Aadvik will have the financial resources needed to continue growing their business. The funding from Shark Tank India will allow the company to expand its operations, hire new employees, invest in new technology, and further develop its products and services.
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